Faculty Development Grants

Application Guidelines

Faculty Development Grant applications are accepted September 1 through October 1 and from February 1 through March 1 of each year. Applications submitted outside of these dates will not be accepted. No award shall exceed $1,000.

Proposal Submission

1. Download the Faculty Development Grant Application

2. Complete the application in Microsoft Word.

3. Save the document as a pdf document and send via LCSC email to the Academic Affairs Office at academicaffairs@lcsc.edu using the following guidelines :

  • Save as a pdf document.
  • Name the document:  Faculty_Dev_Grant_App_YourName_Cycle-Date  [e.g., Faculty_Dev_Grant_App_JohnSmith_SP15.]
  • Enter in the email Subject heading:  Faculty Development Grant Application, Your Name

You should receive an acknowledgment email shortly after your application has been received.  If you have not received an email acknowledgment within one week of the application deadline, please contact the Office of the Provost.

Faculty Development Grant Programs

The primary purpose of the Faculty Development Grant is to provide support to LCSC faculty for the development of expertise in instruction, one’s discipline, or to support scholarly/creative activity. 

*If you incur expenses prior to receiving approval from your division admin, you will not be reimbursed or receive your funding.*

  • All full-time, part-time and adjunct faculty members are eligible to apply. 
  • Teams of two or more may also apply for a single award and are encouraged to do so. 
  • An individual applicant may be a member of more than one team
  • No faculty member shall receive more than one award per academic year
  • No funding for division chairs

Funding is awarded for:

  • faculty development activities
  • course development and design, not including stipends
  • purchase of qualified equipment or materials
  • fees for access to facilities and services for the development of instructional and research materials
  • fees and expenses for registration and travel to qualified faculty development activities

Funding is not awarded for:

  • new computers
  • degrees, certification, or licensure 
  • memberships 
  • food or beverages/per diem expenses
  • Student travel and expenses

Proposals will be evaluated on the potential to positively impact the applicant(s) and on their contribution to the college, division, and the state. 

Priority for awards:

  • Support for presenting at a conference (high priority)
  • Support for activity that may lead to a paper/poster for presentation or publication (high priority)
  • Support for attending conference or professional development activity

Faculty Development Grants are awarded through a peer review process. Proposals will be reviewed by members of the Faculty Affairs Committee.

Grant monies are allocated each academic year in two cycles: spring and fall. The total amount available for each academic year varies, depending on availability of funds.

  • Fall Cycle:  October 1- grant application deadline.   Activity to be completed by June 30.
  • Spring Cycle:  March 1- grant application deadline.  Activity to be completed by December 31.

The committee strives to review all applications and allocate the available monies within 30 days following the deadline. There are often delays associated with the approval of travel and expenses at the division level. Please take this into consideration when submitting your application.

The Provost’s Office will send an award letter via email to the grant recipients within 30 days of the grant application deadline.  The grant recipient must accept or reject the grant in writing within 7 days.  The grant recipient should also send a copy of the response to their Division Chair.



All expenses will be incurred by the Division.  Once the project is completed and the final report has been submitted to the Provost's Office, the Division will request the lump sum reimbursement from the Provost's Office. Reimbursements are distributed to divisions during the last month of each cycle; Those awarded grants in the Fall will be reimbursed the following June. Those awarded grants in the Spring will be reimbursed in December.

Questions regarding the Faculty Development Grant awards and the completion of the above referenced forms for approval and payment of Faculty Development Grants should be directed to the Provost’s Office by calling (208) 792-2213 or emailing academicaffairs@lcsc.edu.

Center for Teaching and Learning Support Following the completion of the project, awardees will be invited by the CTL to engage in a roundtable discussion or presentation about their recent activity. 

Final Report Once the grant funded activity has been completed, the grant recipient will submit a one page report describing how the grant activities were completed and a budget of how monies were expended.  The report is due to the Provost’s Office within 30 days of completion of the grant funded activity.  

Please contact the Academic Affairs Office for additional information at academicaffairs@lcsc.edu or (208) 792-2213.