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Headshot of Leif Hoffmann

Dr. Leif S. Hoffmann

Professor of Political Science
President of the Pacific Northwest Political Science Association

Office Hours

Mon 10:30am to 11:45am
Tues 3pm to 4:15pm
Wed 10:30am to 11:45am
Thu By appointment
Fri By appointment

About Leif

Zoom Office Hour Info

Zoom ID: 845 5140 2900

Zoom Code: 879420


  • Ph.D. in Political Science, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, 2011
  • M.A. in Political Science, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, 2007
  • Diplome (M.Sc. in International Management), Ecole Superieure de Commerce et Management, Poitiers, France, 2001
  • Magister Rerum Europae, Universität Osnabrück, Germany, 2001


Refereed Publications:

“Becoming exceptional? American and European exceptionalism and their critics: a review” in L’Europe en formation, nº 359, March 2011

“Ever closer markets: Public procurement & services in the EU and the USA.” in Political Perspectives, 2 (2), 2008

“Data Collection Online: Techniques and Traps when Searching for (Treaty-related) Data on the WWW.” in International Studies Perspectives, 8 (2). iv – v, 2007

Non-Refereed Publications:

“Perceptions and Reality of Vote-by-Mail” Op-Ed with Kylee Britzman in Medium (Open Online Publishing Platform), October 27, 2020, accessible at:

Author of instructor ancillary material, lectures and class activities,
The Logic of American Politics, 7th edition (May 2015), accessible here:

Interview conducted by Chaemin Lee and published in Money Today, Korean Newspaper, June 16, 2012

"Voices of doom ignore true strength of European Union." Op-Ed in The Register-Guard, November 25, 2011, p. A 13

“And the wall came tumbling down.” Op-Ed with Tamas Golya in The Register-Guard, November 25, 2009, p. G1 and 4

Other Publications:

Capture Lane County: First prize in the News & Events photo category; Book: Capture Lane County. The Register-Guard (2008), p. 79; ISBN: 978-1-59725-150-1

Pumpkin photo in the Parade Magazin, Snapshot Photo Column, Sunday, October 30, 2005, p10

Hoffmann, Leif, Schmülling, Kriemhild. Hier Ist Doch Ein Bißchen Anders: Dokumentation Über Hertener Aussiedler Aus der Ehemaligen Sowietunion, Herten: Caritasverband Herten, 1995.