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Headshot of Luther Maddy

Luther M. Maddy , Ph.D.

Dean, School of Professional & Graduate Studies

College(s) Attended and Degrees Received:

Bachelor of Science in Management, Golden Gate University, Monterey, California; Master of Business Administration, Golden Gate University, Monterey, California; Doctor of Philosophy, Adult and Organizational Learning and Leadership, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho.

Professional Background:

Luther has many years of teaching and small business management experience.  Before coming to LCSC, Luther taught for Boise State University, College of Western Idaho, and Northwest Nazarene University.  Luther founded and directed a vocational training school, Rocky Mountain Business Academy, from 1997 to 2014.


Luther has been married to his wife Tracy since 2007.  Between them they have 6 children and 13 grandchildren. 


Member: Academy of Management


Motorcycle riding (formerly), fishing, and traveling.