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Headshot of Ian Tippets

Ian R. Tippets , Ph.D.

Professor of Hispanic Linguistics

Office Hours

Tues 12:30 PM -2:00 PM
Thu 12:30 PM -1:15 PM

About Ian

Ian Tippets received his Ph.D. in Hispanic Linguistics from Ohio State University in 2010. His primary research interests focus on language variation and change of morphosyntactic variables as observed both synchronically and diachronically. Additional areas of interest for both research and teaching include sociolinguistics and dialectology. Dr. Tippets has had the opportunity to spend time abroad in various research, professional, and service capacities including Ecuador, Peru, Guatemala, Bolivia, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Spain and Panama. Also, he once spent a week on vacation in Mexico but that doesn’t count. These experiences have influenced his classroom instruction by emphasizing the diversity of language and culture in the Spanish-speaking world. He desperately wishes his students cared more about fútbol.