Our Academic Probation Workshop Tutorial will help you understand what may have led to your past academic issues. It will also provide you with information about resources for upcoming semesters.

As you continue through the information below, complete this Academic Standing Online Form and be prepared to discuss your answers with your academic advisor at your follow-up appointment.

The minimum cumulative GPA required for students to be in “good standing” is a 2.0 on all credits attempted at LC State.

At the end of a semester, students who do not attain a 2.0 cumulative GPA are placed on “academic probation” for the next semester of enrollment. Students on academic probation who earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher will be returned to “good standing” status. Students on academic probation who obtain a term GPA of 2.0 or higher during the subsequent semester after being placed on probation, but whose cumulative GPA is still below 2.0, will remain on probation.

Students on probation with a cumulative GPA below 2.0 and a subsequent semester GPA below 2.0 will be placed on “academic suspension". Students on academic suspension must petition for reinstatement or sit out a minimum of one full semester (summer semester does not count). If students placed on academic suspension are registered for classes in subsequent terms, these classes will be removed from the students’ schedules by the Registrar & Records Office. Once the petition is approved, the student can then work with their advisor to register for classes. 

If you are on academic probation, then it is very likely you will not meet one or more of the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements. 

Federal law states a student must be making SAP toward a degree to be eligible to receive Pell Grants or student loans. In order to be eligible, a student must:

  1. Maintain a minimum 2.0 grade point average. LC State semesters are the only grades taken into account. 
  2. Earn passing grades in at least 67% of the credits listed on their transcript, including transfer credits. 
  3. Complete their degree within the maximum credits allowed (150% of the published normal length of the academic program). 

Full SAP Financial Aid Policy

  • It is important to know your LC State grade point average (GPA). You can find this information in your WarriorWeb account under the section of Student Planning called "my progress", or on your unofficial transcript. 
  • You may want to repeat courses you failed to raise your GPA. Repeating courses allows you to replace a poor grade with the most recent grade earned in the same course. For example, if you have an F in SOC 101, and you repeat it, earning an A, your GPA will reflect the A. The F still remains on your transcript, but it is no longer figured into your GPA. 
  • If you are on probation, you will need to earn at least a 2.0 for the next semester to not be suspended. Make sure to keep track of your grades throughout the semester to stay above this requirement. 

Check your GPA in Student Planning of WarriorWeb to complete Section 1 on the Academic Standing Online Form. Your cumulative GPA can be found on your "my progress" page. Your semester GPA can be found under grades or on the timeline tab. 

Put some serious thought into this, taking a break and coming back to the tutorial if you need more time. 

In Section 2 of your online form, list the factors that have affected your performance. Then consider which of those factors are within your control. As you consider the changes you’ll need to make in future semesters, it’s important to focus most on the things you are in control of but to also remain aware of external factors that affect your grades.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself as you consider the reasons for your being on probation:

  • Do you have trouble with math, but you feel that you must get that Biology degree?
  • Are you in a major that your parents chose for you (but that you don't like) or that you chose for what may be the wrong reasons?
  • Have you considered your long-term academic goals and how what you’re learning in your classes relates to those goals?
  • Do you spend too much time on social media, play too many video games, or watch too much TV?
  • Are you working too many hours?
  • Did you take too many credits?
  • Did you miss class often?
  • Do you have poor study skills?
  • Are you giving yourself the things you need (enough sleep, a healthy diet, adequate study time, etc.) to work to your potential?
  • Are you having trouble adjusting to college life?
  • Are you easily distracted when doing homework and/or taking tests?
  • What could you have done differently last semester that would have resulted in higher grades?

What will you do next semester of enrollment to ensure success?

If you did not pass all of your classes with Cs or better (or if you earned Cs, but know you can earn higher grades), you'll need to consider some new strategies. Research has shown that doing the following can have a significant, positive impact on your academic success:

  • Consider and set both short-term and long-term goals for your education. It’s okay if your goals change over time. But it’s important that you determine some goals that are meaningful to you, so you’ll feel motivated to work to achieve them. Your advisor and faculty mentor are good resources to help you with this.
  • Make a connection with the LC State campus – this can be a connection with your major department, a student club or organization, a campus job, an intramural sport, outdoor adventure activity, etc. Building connections can make you feel more engaged and committed to your education.
  • Get to know your professors and the staff who are here to support you. Utilize office hours and tutors in the Student Success Center.

Depending on the factors you identified in the previous section, you may need to consider some other strategies, which might include:

  • Changing your major
  • Reducing your course load
  • Cutting back on extra-curricular activities, including work, student groups, and socializing (OR finding extra-curricular activities to enhance your academic experience -- different strategies are effective for different people)
  • Cutting back on work or other responsibilities if possible
  • Attending a College Success Seminar
  • Getting tutoring in your difficult subject(s)
  • Meeting with the Accessibility Services office to discuss possible accommodations
  • Seeking counseling from Student Counseling if stress or mental health has been a factor in your academic performance
  • Changing your living/studying environment

Consider the options above and any others you feel might increase your success and write them down in Section 3.

The GPA calculator is a great tool to predict potential GPA improvement—and to visualize that "Good Standing" finish line. It may take a moment to get acclimated, but once you do, we think you'll use this tool again and again. Use this GPA calculator.

First, Enter

  • The number of credits for each of your courses for your first semester
  • The grades you received for those courses

Next, Add

  • The number of credits for each of your courses for this semester
  • Estimated grades you might earn for this set of courses (LC State grading system)

What is your projected GPA?  Are you happy with that result? Write your estimated grades and GPAs in Section 4. Don't like what you see? Try again, but don't forget to stay realistic. When you've got a scenario you're comfortable with, record your stats on your form.

Will your realistic estimate get you back into good standing (current and cumulative GPAs at 2.0 or above)?

If it's impossible for you to bring your cumulative GPA above 2.0 within one semester, consider adding more classes and grades to determine how many semesters it might take to return to good standing. Once you've figured out the right combination, enter the number of As, Bs, and Cs you will need to return to good standing in Section 5.

Obviously, if you earn all As, your GPA will increase more rapidly. But it's important to be realistic about your plans, so use whatever combination makes the most sense to you, even if it means you will need to take more semesters to return to good standing.

There are a number of campus resources available at LC State to support you in succeeding academically. Be proactive in seeking the help you need, and remember there are many people who want to see you be successful. Review the following resources to determine which would be helpful to you. List the ones you plan to utilize in the upcoming term in Section 6 of your online form.

Advisor and Faculty Mentor

Your Advisor and Faculty Mentor (listed in WarriorWeb) can help you identify issues that have affected your performance and help you devise a plan to succeed.  Be sure to stay in touch with your advisor when you are on academic probation or any time you are concerned that you are not doing well in your classes.

Accessibility Services

The Accessibility Services office offers support, accommodations, and resources for students with both short and long-term disabilities.

Career Center

Staff at the Student Employment Career Center can help you clarify your post-LC State career goals. Clarifying your goals can be very important to your academic success.

Counseling Center

Counseling is available to LC State students in person or online.  If stress or mental health is affecting your performance, be sure to take advantage of this valuable resource.

Student Success Center

Tutoring is available for all subjects, as well as peer mentoring, printing, etc.

Spanish Lab

Tutors are available to help with homework or extra conversation practice.

Writing Center

Tutors are available to help you with writing in all subject areas.

Congratulations on making it through this tutorial!

Once you complete the online form, select your advisor from the drop-down menu. Your advisor will receive a copy of your answers to go over with you at your appointment. 

Now it's time to schedule an appointment with your advisor to discuss your worksheet. 

Best wishes for a happy and successful semester!

Student Success Seminar

This seminar focuses on helping you develop the skills necessary to be more successful in college and in the world of work. If you feel like you could benefit from instruction on how to be a college student, this seminar is for you!

Thurs. March 21, 20243:00 - 5:00 p.m.ACW 135