LC State Alumni Association Awards
The LC State Alumni Association recognizes outstanding alumni and friends who have demonstrated a commitment to serving their community and LC State.
Nominations are accepted until February 29, 2024.
Award ceremonies(s) will take place Spring 2024.
Award Categories
Marion Shinn Distinguished Alumni Award
Alumni who have enriched the lives of others, served their community, the state, and Lewis-Clark State College. And who have a notable record of achievement through their personal and career endeavors.
Rising Star Young Alumni Award
In honor of young alumni (40 and under) with outstanding career achievements or record of volunteerism.
Coeur d'Alene Alumni of the Year Award
Alumni, from the Coeur d'Alene campus, who have enriched the lives of others through their generous gifts of time and talent, their involvement with civic, charitable and social causes and their ability to inspire others.
Alumni Educator of the Year Award
Recognizes superior achievement in the field of education by an Alumnus/Alumna in the classroom, school and/or district.
Aletha Pabst Honorary Alumni Award
Recognizes individuals whose exemplary service or involvement has made significant contributions to the well-being of LC State and its community.
Extraordinary Service - David Walker Spirit Award
Presented to an individual who builds pride and spirit on campus.