Summer 2021 Outlook

Effective May 17 - Aug. 6, 2021 

LC State has modified a number of its COVID-19 protocols for summer 2021. The summer protocols represent a pilot of near-normal operations but will be modified as needed based on regional COVID-19 trends, CDC guidelines, and recommendations from Idaho Public Health. The following list outlines some of the most significant updates for this summer. 

The Williams Conference Center will go back to being a conference space. Plexiglass in classrooms and offices should remain in place at least until August, and may be used through the coming year. 

Cleaning Protocols
Cleaning supplies will continue to be available in offices and classrooms. Custodians will be cleaning surfaces routinely each week. 

The college’s COVID-19 dashboard, reporting line, and email will remain active. The operations matrix will be adjusted for fall 2021 to reflect updated isolation capacities and new regional parameters based on science and safety recommendations. 

Events, meetings, and gatherings should be scheduled through Events and Conferences. Campus facilities will be available to internal and external groups per general scheduling and approval processes. Events and Conferences has authority to approve requests for campus spaces for up to 50 people (Idaho Rebounds, Stage 3) and will be responsible for ensuring that a written safety protocol is provided to the college before a given event, meeting, or gathering is confirmed. Food is permitted for events, meetings, and gatherings as long as Public Health standards for food service are followed. Any event, meeting, or gathering exceeding 50 people will need to be reviewed by the vice president for student affairs (VPSA) and president. An attestation document will need to be prepared and routed to the VPSA for processing with Public Health. Events and Conferences will need to provide the VPSA with a current list of events, meetings, and gatherings every two weeks. The list will highlight newly scheduled events, meetings, and gatherings. If Idaho moves to a stage of Idaho Rebounds such that the maximum capacity of events, meetings, and gatherings is increased, the president and VPSA will review related campus protocols and may consider changes. 

A fillable PDF document/template for safety protocols will be developed but, in the meantime, people will use the standard outline provided by Events and Conferences. 

Face Coverings
With the move to Idaho Stage Four and updated CDC guidelines, effective May 17, face coverings are not required for fully vaccinated individuals. Vaccines are widely available, considered highly effective, safe, and our best path forward to reclaim and regain “normalcy” (click here to sign up for your vaccine: Idaho, Washington). For individuals not fully vaccinated, consistent with CDC guidelines, the 2-out-of-3 rule is both encouraged and strongly recommended.

Lobbies in offices may re-open. Drinking fountains will once again be in use. 

LC State will follow CDC guidelines for travel. Individuals returning from travel who have either knowingly been exposed to someone with an active COVID-19 infection and/or who have symptoms of illness, are expected to isolate for 10 days since the exposure or since the onset of symptoms (whichever is most recent); even if fully vaccinated. See the CDC guidelines for information and expectations.