Student Information

This page includes the most current version of the eLearning Student Handbook, a link to Canvas Support, LC State Policy Information, and links to Student Success Tools.

eLearning Student Handbook

The eLearning Student Handbook introduces students to their roles and responsibilities when using Canvas at LC State.  The eLearning Student Handbook includes:

  • eLearning Services Staff
  • Instructional Methods
  • Student e-mail Accounts
  • Accessing Canvas
  • Student Responsibilities
  • Computer and Software Requirements
  • Tips to be a Successful Online Student


LC State utilizes the Learning Management System (LMS), Canvas.

Full URL to access Canvas:

Your username is your WarriorWeb ID, which is typically the first part of your LCMail (Example: newwarrior). If you don’t know what your username is, go to WarriorWeb and follow the "What's my User ID?" process.

Your password will be set the first time you log in to Canvas by selecting Forgot Password on the Canvas login page. Enter your Username then click Request Password. An email will then be sent to your LCMail with a link to set it. The reset email can take up to 30 minutes to reach your inbox, and be sure to check your spam folder as well.

The Canvas Student App allows students to access their courses and groups using a mobile device. Students can submit assignments, participate in discussions, view grades, and access course materials. The app also provides access to course calendars, To Do items, notifications, and Conversations messages.  Canvas Student is available for both Android and iOS devices. 

Passport to Canvas is a course for you, the student, to learn how to navigate the Canvas platform.

Passport to Canvas is a course for you, the student, to learn how to navigate the Canvas platform.  You’ll find Passport to Canvas on your Canvas Dashboard when you log in to Canvas.  This self-paced course has nine modules to teach you everything you need to know about using Canvas as a student.  You can work through the entire course, or reference different modules as you discover the need to learn more about Canvas. 

LC State also offers a 1-credit P/F course called “SD-133: Introduction to Online Coursework” that teaches students how to use Canvas, and also teaches technology skills and strategies to become a successful online student.  Talk to your advisor about enrolling in this course.

If you are having trouble logging in to Canvas click the "Help" button in the bottom left of the log in box.  This will give you a menu with many options to find the help you need. 

If you are able to log in but are having issues, click the Help button in the navigation menu on the left side of your screen.

You can also access a wide variety of information from the Canvas Community.  Choose your role from the Group Hub dropdown menu.

If you are taking a proctored exam at the LC State Testing Center that requires Respondus LockDown Browser, the Testing Center is already set up to use the browser.

If you are taking an “at-home” exam that requires Respondus LockDown Browser, you must download and install the browser on the computer you will use to take the exam.  Your instructor will provide the download link in the syllabus or in the Canvas course.  The download link is specific to LC State Canvas exams (you can’t “Google” it); if you don’t find the download link in the syllabus or course, contact your instructor.

Please note: Students using Windows 7 (or earlier) will need to upgrade to Windows 10/11 or find another device that is supported. LockDown Browser can be used with Windows 10+ or Mac 10.13+.

Student Success Tools & Resources

The tools listed here are available to all LC State students. Technical support for these tools is NOT provided by eLearning Services.

Accessibility Services facilitates equal access for students with disabilities by coordinating accommodations and support services, cultivating a campus culture that is sensitive and responsive to the needs of students. Students need to contact Accessibility Services at the beginning of each semester to arrange for accommodations.

Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, etc.) is provided to LC State students at no cost. Download it online using your LC Mail email account. Support provided by IT Helpdesk.

Visit the LC State Library website to access information about collections and databases. Technical support for "Films on Demand" used in online courses is provided by the Library.

The Math and Science Tutoring Center offers both in person and online tutoring.

The Testing Center offers proctoring services for online classes that require proctored exams. They also provide services for makeup tests and testing for students with approved accommodations. Certification and licensure exams can also be taken at the Testing Center.

The Writing Center is a tutoring service staffed by knowledgeable students and faculty to help students of all disciplines become better writers. The service is free to you as a student, sustained by student and course fees.

The center is a writing space where students can work with staff to improve all aspects of writing. We believe that collaboration and peer feedback are powerful learning tools, and we invite you to discuss your writing with trained peer consultants.

Appointments are not always necessary, though, we certainly encourage them. To make an appointment, stop by Library Room 172 or call us at 208.792.2433.

Distance students can also utilize the services of the Writing Center.