Library Advisory Committee
Committee Members
- Johanna Bjork, Library Director
- Mercedes D. Pearson, Institutional Research & Effectiveness Representative
- Angela C. Meek, eLearning Representative
- Two Faculty members (2-year assignment; staggered terms)
- Dr. Emily Carstens Namie, Social Sciences Division, Assistant Professor - Collaborates and represents the library within the internal campus, which includes divisions and departments, focusing on standards of the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.
- Dr. Heather Welsh-Griffin, Professional Studies - Collaborates and represents the library with the external campus, including expectations of external accrediting bodies.
Peter Zepeda, Student Representative
Statement of Purpose
The Library Advisory Committee serves as the primary faculty, student, and staff advisory body to the Director of the Library. Its primary roles in representing campus faculty, students, and staff include:
- Meet the guidelines and requirements established by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (Standard 2.E).
- Advise on funding needs necessary to efficiently provide the quality of services and types of materials needed by the college community.
- Advise on general policies related to the currency, quality, and depth of collections, services, instruction programs, and infrastructure, and on major new initiatives and assessment processes.
- Evaluate how well the Library supports the research needs of the LC State College Community.
- Determine the best methods to track student, faculty, and staff usage data to support the library assessment and accreditation requirements.
- Participate in strategic visioning with corresponding benchmarks.
- Facilitate communication with and obtain feedback from the college community on library collections, programs, services, infrastructure, and communication mechanisms.
Committee Vision
Our vision is that the Library Advisory Committee will expand opportunities to influence:
- Programming initiatives and collaboration opportunities.
- Collection development, maintenance, and resource recommendations.
- Strategic planning.
- Appropriate development of Library space to meet the changing needs of the College's population.
- Assessment processes.
- Benchmarking criteria.
- In general, affect change in the Library.
The Library Advisory Committee will convene twice a semester.
Meeting Minutes
Past Members
FY 2021-2022
- Jennifer D. Alexander, Professional Studies - Collaborated and represented the Library with the external campus, including expectations of external accrediting bodies.
FY 2020-2021
- Charles A. Addo-Quaye, Liberal Arts - Collaborated and represented the Library within the internal campus, which included divisions and departments, focusing on standards of the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.