Health Requirements & Background Check Info
This information is intended for students with full or provisional admission into either the BSN (Pre-Licensure and LPN to BSN tracks) or Radiographic Science (AS).
These requirements will be tracked on CastleBranch and is the student's responsibility to cover fees associated with this tracker.
Health Requirements
Students must maintain continuous personal health insurance coverage throughout the program.
American Heart Association Health Care Provider CPR certification
- See sample card image
- Must renew every 2 years
- Web-based certification without documentation of hands-on-testing will not be accepted.
- Find a course
COVID-19 (Updated 12/20/2022)
As the healthcare environment continues to evolve, we work with our clinical agency partners to provide the best learning opportunities for Nursing & Health Sciences students. Our healthcare partner agencies have specific health and background check requirements for all students that engage in practicum experiences at their facilities. It is important to understand that clinical agencies may update health requirements at any time and as of this date, many clinical agencies to which NHS program students are assigned require COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of engaging in clinical activities at their facilities. Additionally, at this time, some clinical agencies allow for medical or religious exemptions and some do not. All students must meet the onboarding requirements of the clinical agencies to which they are assigned. Inability to meet onboarding requirements may result in an inability to successfully complete practicum courses. For further questions, consult with your NHS academic advisor.
Appointments can be made with LCSC Student Health Services (208-792-2251), Health Department (208-799-3100), or personal care provider for immunizations or titre levels.
Learning Modules must be completed annually
- Go to
- Create your CPNW account and wait for approval.
- Access the learning modules by going to My Dashboard and clicking on “eLearning” under Clinical Prerequisites.
- Complete each of the learning modules. Complete a review of the tutorials and take the quiz at the end of each (click on "TAKE EXAM").
- After completing each quiz, your score will be automatically posted to your Compliance Records. Once you have completed all quizzes, you may download and print the results (summary report). Keep this report attached to your Passport and write the date of completion on the Passport form.
For questions, please email Trena Lawen ( or Jenna Chambers (
Background Check
The timeframe is for the last seven (7) years unless otherwise noted:
- Felony convictions
- Withheld judgments for felonies
- Other plea agreements to felony convictions
- Sexual assault, rape, indecent exposure, lewd and lascivious behavior, or any crime involving non-consensual sexual conduct committed at any time
- Child abuse, sexual exploitation of children, child abduction, child neglect, contributing to the delinquency or neglect of a child, enticing a child for immoral purposes, exposing a minor to pornography or other harmful materials, incest, or any other crime involving children as victims or participants committed at any time.
- Homicide committed at any time
- Any conviction related to illegal drugs such as (but not limited to) possession of drugs or paraphernalia, or trafficking
- Abuse, exploitation or neglect of a vulnerable adult (disabled or elderly) committed at any time
- Assault or Battery
- Misdemeanor theft committed during the last 5 years or grand theft committed during the previous seven years
- Offenses involving substantial misrepresentation of any material fact to the public or an employer including embezzlement, bribery, fraud, racketeering or allowing an establishment to be used for illegal purposes
- DUI within the last 3 years or more than one DUI in the past five years
- Withheld judgment for DUI within the last 3 years or more than one withheld judgment for DUI in the past five years
- First or second-degree arson
- Kidnapping
- Mayhem, as defined by Section 18-5001, Idaho Code
- Poisoning
- Forgery or fraudulent use of a financial transaction card
- Forgery and counterfeiting
- Insurance fraud
- Any Pattern of behavior deemed to be unprofessional, or that is felt to place patients, faculty and/or NHS students at risk
Please notify your NHS advisor as early as possible.
Derogatory information gathered as a result of a criminal background investigation is the basis for eliminating a candidate from consideration for NHS program admission or for program dismissal, as clinical placement will not be possible and the student would be unable to complete clinical requirements.
The initial and annual background check will be reviewed by the Division Chair (or designee) to determine if the background check is free of derogatory information.
- If the check is clear (without derogatory information), the student will be eligible for full admission into or a continuation in the program.
- If the background check contains convictions for an offense listed above, or demonstrates a pattern of behavior deemed to potentially put patients, faculty, and/or students at risk, the student will be informed that derogatory information was identified as part of the background check process. If the student is an applicant for an NHS program, she/he may no longer be eligible for admission. If the student is currently in an NHS program, she/he may be dismissed from the program.
A seven year criminal history background check is required annually. Please see our NHS Student Handbook for details.
Additional Information
Do not attempt to create a Complio account before you've been formally admitted to the program. Package code information will be given at orientation.
Your tracker must be completed by the deadline provided in the provisional acceptance letter, so begin gathering your immunization records as soon as possible.
- If requirements are not met by the deadline, the applicant’s name will be removed from the admitted student list, and the space will be given to a student from the alternate list.
- Annual updates are required. Students are responsible for maintaining currency and accuracy of health insurance, health records, CPR and the background check throughout their time in the program. Renewal fees apply.
- NHS Program policies & information can be found in NHS Student Handbook.