Purchasing Updates
Policy Update: The Purchasing Policy has been revised to reflect an updated dollar limit for exemptions from the competitive bid process. Purchases under $20,000 are now exempt from competitive bidding (the previous limit was $10,000). This update is in alignment with the direction of our sister institutions and has been approved by the executive director of the Idaho State Board of Education. Purchasing Policy 4.111 can be accessed on the Policies site. Information on purchasing guidelines and procedures is available at www.lcsc.edu/purchasing/employees. Please contact Purch@lcsc.edu with any questions.
Recent Trainings:
Purchasing Common Scenario Training
P-Card - Common Errors to Avoid Presentation Document
Purchasing Policy & Procedure Update Training
P-Card Requirement Update: To facilitate efficient purchasing and payment, P-Cards are required to be used for all purchases of $100 or less. We also highly encourage P-Cards to be used for all purchases of $1,999 or less, with the exception of the Jaggaer Punchout Vendors (see Jaggaer site: www.lcsc.edu/purchasing/jaggaer-resources).