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Dr. Canfield teaches courses on U.S. History, focusing on Women's History, Popular Culture American Indian History, and Public History. Her research interests include federal Indian policy, women's roles in the 20th century, women's suffrage, and American popular culture. She serves on the Historic Sites Review Board for Idaho's State Historic Preservation Office. She is the organizer of Women's History Month events on campus, serves on the planning committee for LC's Women's Leadership Conference, and is the advisor for the college's Women In Lasting Leadership (WILL Club). She is also the advisor for the Women's and Gender Studies minor. She has received LC's Foundation Award for teaching, research, and service excellence, as well as the college's Women's Leadership Award, and Talkington Award. She also received Idaho's Brightest Stars Award for volunteering. She is passionate about women's history, historical interpretation, and helping students. And Elvis. Always Elvis.


  • Ph.D., U.S./Public History, Washington State University, 2008 (Dissertation: "The 'Annoying Question of Water': Trust-Fund Violations and Federal Mismanagement on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, 1891-1928")
  • M.A., U.S. History, Washington State University, 2004
  • B.A., History and Women's Studies, Idaho State University, 2002


Articles (refereed journals)

  • "'These Lands are Worthless Without Water': The Federal Government's Divided Loyalties in Irrigating the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, 1902-1918," Pacific Northwest Quarterly (Summer 2014: Vol. 105:3).
  • “The ‘Civilizing Mission’ Revisited: The Impacts of Assimilation on Shoshone-Bannock Women,” Idaho Yesterdays  (Spring/Summer 2010, Vol. 51:1)
  •  “’The Wheels of Progress Must Not be Closed’: The 1902 Land Rush on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation,” Journal of the West (Fall 2007, Vol. 46:4).
  • “Stephen King’s Dolores Claiborne and Rose Madder: A Literary Backlash Against Domestic Violence,” Journal of American Culture (December 2007, Vol. 30:4).
  •  “Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Park Assessments” (Student Project Award article) National Council on Public History: Public History News (June 2007).

Articles (non-refereed publications)

  • “New at the Museum: Talkington Exhibit,” The Golden Age: The Newsletter of the Nez Perce County Historical Society (Spring/Summer 2012, Vol. 32:1)
  • “A Shrinking Reservation: The Pocatello Land Rush of 1902,” The Mountain Light: The Newsletter of the Idaho State Historical Society (Summer 2006).


  • Instructor Resource Manual for These Truths: A History of the United States (by Jill Lepore), Vol. 1 W.W. Norton & Company, 2023.
  • National Historic Register Nomination for a Traditional Cultural Property, co-authored report for the National Park Service, 2016.
  • Exploring American Histories: Instructor Resource Manual, Volume 1, co-author, Bedford-St. Martin Press, 2013.
  • "Cultural Resource Assessment of Grand Canyon National Park," Flagstaff, Arizona, National Parks Conservation Association, (August 2010).
  • "Cultural Resource Assessment of Vicksburg National Military Park," Vicksburg, Mississippi, National Parks Conservation Association, (November 2007).
  • "Preserving Vicksburg’s Battlefield: Assessing the Threats and Resources of Vicksburg National Military Park," co-authored report with John Watson (Evergreen Consulting Associates) (August 2007)
  • "Cultural Landscape Report: Virginia City and Nevada City, Montana," Virginia City, Montana, (July 2007).
  • "Cultural Resource Assessment of Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park," Hilo, Hawai’i, National Parks Conservation Association, (June 2007).
  • "Cultural Resource Assessment of the Lewis and Clark National Historic," Omaha, Nebraska, National Parks Conservation Association, (September 2006).

Contact Information


Center for Teaching and Learning

Meriwether Lewis Hall 320

500 8th Avenue

Lewiston, Idaho 83501