Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Anti-Racism (IDEA)

We gratefully acknowledge Joyce McFarland, Nez Perce Education Department Education Manager, for her influence and inspiration. Thank you, Joyce, for challenging every teacher to “teach culturally” and supporting us in that process.

The LC CTL supports faculty develop classroom practices, service opportunities, and professional and personal growth related to IDEA (inclusion, diversity, equity and anti-racism). Ultimately, we seek to create a welcoming and inclusive community for students, faculty, staff, community members, and guests.


Learn More About IDEA

Head over to this page for articles, books and guides suggested and written by LC faculty and staff for growing your knowledge base, teaching, and building an inclusive classroom.

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Teaching Anti-Racism

Are you interested in incorporating more anti-racism skills into your classroom? You can no matter your discipline. See the Teaching Antiracism page for skill building and activities.

college entrance

Retaining Our Most Vulnerable Students

The pandemic has highlighted and broadened differences between students that are comfortable with college level expectations and those that have not yet learned how to meet them. In summer 2020, faculty and staff from across campus shared their practices for retaining and fostering the growth of our most vulnerable students. You can read some of the ideas here.


Volunteer for Events

Every year, LC State is home to important cultural events such as Native American Awareness Week, Multicultural Awareness Week, and Women's History Month. Your help and support is very much appreciated.

Contact Information


Center for Teaching and Learning

Meriwether Lewis Hall 320

500 8th Avenue

Lewiston, Idaho 83501