LCFLI: Faculty Leadership Institute

The LC-FLI supports formal and informal leadership, and positive change in personal and professional spheres.

Congratulations to the 2022-2023 Cohort!

Ayo Arogundade Julie Bezzerides 
Jenna Chambers Chelsea Cronin 
Marlowe Daly-Galeano Kacey Diemert
Suzanne RousseauJessica Savage

Faculty Experiences

Suzanne Rousseau,

Instructor of Mathematics / Teacher Education and Mathematics Division

As faculty, I have often struggled with feelings of inadequacy and impostor syndrome. I came to academia in a rather unusual way, and now that I am teaching future teachers, I sometimes feel that my lack of background in Education is a detriment. During the FLI, I came to realize that I am not alone in this, and that many of us on campus are experiencing similar struggles and challenges. I eventually realized that I am an effective instructor, and that maybe I should ease up on myself a bit. The support and encouragement that I received from my cohort during the FLI has been invaluable to me, and I would encourage anyone that is interested in any kind of leadership to consider applying to the Faculty Leadership Institute in the future.

H. Marlowe Daly-Galeano, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of English / Humanities Division
Director, Center for Teaching and Learning

The Faculty Leadership Institute has been a transformative experience! I learned so much about ways to be a brave, intentional, ethical, and compassionate leader through discussions with the inspiring individuals in my FLI cohort. After doing research and seeking input from the FLI, I designed my project, “The CTL is for You: Plan to Foster a Culture of Belonging Through Faculty Programming” using Sally Helgesen’s “web of inclusion” as a model. My time in the FLI has led me to better understand how I can help the CTL meet the needs of faculty, staff who mentor and teach, and students. Faculty who feel they belong at LC State will create a culture of belonging for students. Students who belong succeed.

Chelsea Cronin

Associate Professor / Nursing & Health Sciences Division

What did I gain from the LC-FLI experience? A supportive network of peers which I am so grateful for! Confidence, inspiration and encouragement from those that I trust and admire to seek out and take on additional leadership opportunities both formal and informal. I received advice and tools to utilize when tackling difficult conversations and tasks. We learned about different leadership styles and I was given the opportunity to develop my own personal leadership philosophy. I’m so thankful for the across campus connections that we made on this journey together! 

Michelle Pearson-Smith MSN, RN, CCRN-K

Associate Professor / BSN Program Coordinator

The Faculty Leadership Institute was exactly what I needed during the tumultuous time of the COVID-19 Pandemic.  Who would have thought that signing up for “one more activity” would have been the thing that actually kept me grounded and encouraged as many things around us seemed to be falling apart.  Being part of a group of faculty with different strengths and goals all looking to enhance their leadership abilities was inspiring and comforting. 

Through the FLI I chose to step out and present in different sessions on campus that I wouldn’t have had the courage to do before.  I gained tools and insights for leading, and I feel more deeply connected to our LCSC campus community and the individuals within my cohort.  It was a privilege being selected to participate and learn from some of the best humans on our campus.

Jill Thomas-Jorgenson, M.A.

Associate Professor, Business Division

My experience with the Faculty Leadership Institute (FLI) was very rewarding for me. I loved the interaction with the other members of the inaugural cohort for the three semesters that we met on Zoom to share thoughts and ideas about leadership, and about our projects. I learned much from each of them about their personal daily leadership practices that strengthened and inspired me in my own journey. I wanted to write an “open” letter to graduating seniors in my capstone classes encouraging them to continue to invest in themselves upon graduation to continue to develop their Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and other Characteristics (KSAOs) as they move forward in their chosen careers. I shared the letter with students in the Spring of 2021 and received many positive comments back from them!

I can’t recommend the FLI highly enough. It helped me tie all of my experiences with LC State together, my four years here as a student in the 1970’s and my 22 years here working with the Region Ii Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and as an Associate Professor for the Business Division. I will retire in the Spring of 2022 and it makes my heart happy to know that much of my development in the area of Leadership happened on this campus that I love so much!

LaChelle Rosenbaum, EdD, LMSW

Social Work Program Director / Associate Professor

My FLI project included exploring whether adding a Master’s in Social Work (MSW) Program to LC’s Social Work Program was necessary and feasible.  In meeting with community stake holders, LC’s Graduate Dean, and our accreditation specialist, an alternative plan was established.  Currently an MSW is not feasible.  However, there is a high demand for post-bachelor social work education to increase access to MSW Advanced Standing Programs.  Therefore, the Social Work Program will develop a fast-track Post-Bachelor Social Work Degree pathway. 

 It was both motivating and encouraging to have a cohort of other leaders to bounce ideas off of and to receive words of encouragement when a road blocks thwarted the progress.  I’m not sure I would have finished the journey if it hadn’t been for the support of the cohort.

Rachel Jameton, Ph.D

Professor of Chemistry

LC-FLI guided me through reconsidering the science pipeline in our region. Through it, I was supported in the process of thinking through how to better engage students in middle school and college in science by making it more relevant and forgiving. As a result, I developed and implemented a summer STEM program for middle school girls, became an active member or our regional STEM ecosystem, and worked with a college student to develop a “rescue class” to help struggling science students re-find their science joy. I am so thankful to the LC-FLI cohort for their support and for helping me envision how leadership looks for me.

Contact Information


Center for Teaching and Learning

Meriwether Lewis Hall 320

500 8th Avenue

Lewiston, Idaho 83501