Email Signature
Your email signature is a direct representation of LC State. As such, for brand consistency and professionalism, it is highly recommended that the following approach and template be used.
Open the email signature template (then copy and past to Outlook).
Email Signature Instruction & Tips
- Instructions: To create your signature, simply open the Microsoft Word template, highlight all of the content (including the logo) within the document, and copy and paste it to your signature setup in Microsoft Outlook.
- Font Style: Your name should be listed in Arial Bold, 11 pt. font. It should also be in Warrior Blue (RGB: 0, 56, 101). The rest of your signature font should be Arial Narrow, 10 pt. Note: the recommended font for the body of your email is Arial, 10 pt.
- Formatting:
- Those with long titles should use two rows to display their title and department.
- Listing your office location is optional. List according to the demands of your position.
- Instead of the pipe symbol "|" and other separators, please use the forward slash "/" as it connects with the forward motion of our new brand and signature graphic.
- If multiple phone numbers are needed, they can be listed as: "C: xxx-xxx-xxxx / O: xxx-xxx-xxxx"
- Please use hyphens when listing phone numbers (instead of parentheses and periods).
- Please do not list fax numbers unless absolutely necessary.
- The logo graphic in the above template is automatically hyperlinked to so adding the web address in print is unnecessary.
- Best practices:
- Less is more: Keep your signature as succinct as possible. This makes readability easier (especially in long email threads) and printing more efficient.
- Extra graphics: Avoid adding extra logos and graphics such as social media icons. Department specific logos are also not recommended as the overall brand of the institution is better reinforced by consistency in email.
- Personalization: It is recommended by the Communications & Marketing department that personal quotations or philosophical statements not be included as part of your signature. Your email signature is a representation of the college's viewpoint.