Summit Agenda/Optional Activity Info
Summit Agenda
A copy of the agenda for the 2023 summit can be viewed here.
Optional Activity
Cost: $75.00 (Space is limited and must be paid in advance during registration.)
Join us to access additional Indigenous knowledge through a place-based Traditional Waterways activity. Participants will visit culturally significant sites along the confluence of the Snake and Clearwater Rivers guided through a narrated tour. The jet boat tour is operated by Beamers Hells Canyon Tours. The outing is not sponsored by the State of Idaho, the Board of Education or the Department of Education (collectively “State of Idaho”) and the State of Idaho does not assume responsibility for participants in the outing.
Monday, June 12, 5-7 pm
Participants must attend a group briefing at 4:30 pm at the departure site, 700 Port Drive (directly behind the Holiday Inn, Clarkston, WA).