Lewis-Clark State College will host Safety Fest 2017, a free three-day safety training for industry and businesses, on Oct. 31-Nov. 2 at the Williams Conference Center on the LCSC campus.
Lewis-Clark State College will hold its third annual modern day Homecoming on Oct. 16-22 with several campus and athletic events highlighting the week.
All events are open to the public and ar…
Glen Seekins, owner of Seekins Precision in Lewiston, has been named the Lewis-Clark State College Alumni Association’s Alumni of the Year for 2017 and will be honored at the Alumni Awards Cel…
Lewis-Clark State College has received a $15,000 gift from the Idaho Community Foundation to help support Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) learning opportunities for area K-12…
Lewis-Clark State College will welcome musicians and composers Juan Manuel Barco of Seattle and Bonifacio Dominguez of Lewiston, along with cultural activist and singer Ana Maria Schachtell of…
The Lewis-Clark State College Center for Arts & History, located at 415 Main Street, opens its “Reclaim Revolution” exhibit on Friday, Oct. 6, at 5 p.m. The opening is part of Beautiful Do…
In an effort to help meet the workforce needs of regional manufacturers that produce with metal, 90 North Central Idaho 10th-graders will have the opportunity to earn a Northwest Intermountain…
Laura Gronewold, director of education for Ben’s Bells Project in Tucson, Ariz., will give a public talk on “Kindness Matters: Finding the Strength and Courage to Lead,” at the Lewis-Clark Sta…
Lewis-Clark State College is partnering with Whitman Elementary School and Webster Elementary School to assist K-6 students with safely crossing busy Lewiston streets as part of National Walk…