Lewis-Clark State College will host a concert to benefit victims of a recent area wildfire at the Silverthorne Theatre on Friday, Sept. 18, at 7 p.m.
The Clearwater Complex Fire Victim Benefi…
For those interested in going back to school, curious about taking online courses, or simply thinking about trying college level coursework for the first time, Lewis-Clark State College has de…
The Social Sciences Division at Lewis-Clark State College will host a Constitution Day event Sept. 17 and an International Talk on Oct. 15 this fall on LCSC’s campus.
The Constitution Day gat…
As part of a year-long celebration for the 50th anniversary of the Nez Perce National Historical Park, the exhibit “Nuunimnix: Our Very Own” will be presented at the Lewis-Clark State College…
With area wildfires continuing to produce poor air quality, officials at Lewis-Clark State College on Monday are instructing all faculty, staff and students to avoid any extensive physical act…
LEWISTON, Idaho -- Lewis-Clark State College is monitoring official air quality standards in the area and has postponed its Welcome Fair schedule for Monday.Based on the best data available, L…
The Lewis-Clark State College Center for Arts & History (CAH) is extending an invitation to all artists to submit works for the “Reclaimed Revolution” steampunk exhibition that will run at…
With over 100 of its students potentially impacted by area wildfires, Lewis-Clark State College has formalized a support plan in an effort to help those in need during this difficult time.
Expecting its highest number of incoming students since 2012, Lewis-Clark State College will welcome many new faces to campus when it hosts New Student Orientation on Friday, Aug. 21, at the L…
The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Lewis-Clark State College has partnered with a number of area organizations to present Ready, Set, Grow Your Business 2015, a free workshop seri…